
Dear Customer :
Hello !

To protect your legal rights , your worries , you buy KATO video products through formal channels , KATO video standard products to make your pledge , and so to provide you with the following services when you need to:

1 ) repair

Free repair or replacement warranty product quality are the reasons for damaged parts .Warranty period , whether natural or man-made factors that caused damage to parts damage , while KATO video component replacement or repair carried out , only the fees collected .When product repair , please provide product warranty card.

2 ) replacement

From the date of purchase ( purchase date on the original certificate , the same below ) within 90 days ( inclusive) , KATO video products in the product specification requirements of the environmental , non-human , and does not meet the " Product Manual" andwhen the relevant national quality inspection standard hardware performance failure , the user has the right to choose to replace or repair.If you choose to replace the need to carry the fault plane and the original certificate to purchase KATO authorized service outlets, authorized service outlets will replace the same model with the specifications of the product or malfunction accessories ; If the same model with the specifications of the product or accessory has been discontinued , thereplacement of not less than the original product performance products and accessories .

3 ) refunding

From the date of purchase within seven days ( inclusive) , when the product does not meet the " Product Guide" as well as the relevant national quality inspection standards of performance failure, the user has the option to return, replacement or repair.If you choose to return, the need to carry the fault plane and the original certificate of purchase to the seller at the purchase of machinery by the seller free of charge to users for return.When the purchase price in accordance with ( the original certificate to purchase price , the same below ) one-time payment .

Special Note : Depending on the purchase and sale agreement to sell the products do not enjoy special return ; demo machine special transfer sales , do not enjoy relevant policies replacement machines.
